Can’t Create Test Environment

The setup of the test environment is not possible, aborts, runs endlessly or the backend reloads.


There could be many reasons for this. Check below to see if there is a solution to your specific problem.


Test environment can’t be created

If you get a message that the test environment can’t be created, then hover with your mouse over the "Create" button under "1-Click Actions". A small window appears with information about the problem.

The most frequent cause is that the test environment’s database cannot be reached. In this case, check and correct the database settings in the "PROFILE" section.

“Flickering” while creating

You will notice some "flickering" while creating a test environment. This is part of the way StageWare® works. Test environment creation is divided into many small steps so your server doesn’t overload and to avoid timeouts.

Error message while creating

You can open a support ticket here if you get an error message while creating a test environment: Support Ticket

Setup runs endlessly

Note: On most systems, the test environment setup takes a few minutes, or up to two to 3 hours in exceptional cases. So a long runtime during setup does not necessarily indicate an error. 

If the test environment setup in the StageWare® Manager is still running, but you are sure that nothing is happening in the background, please check your server’s PHP error log to see if a corresponding error message is logged. Your hosting provider or technical service provider can show you how to activate and review the PHP error log.

Try to create the test environment again after making the following changes:

  1. If there are large files in the folder of your shop (e.g. archives or backups), then exclude them via the profile in the StageWare® Manager (setting: "Excluded folders and files").
  2. Set the value for "Max. database lines per export block" in the plugin configuration (e.g. to 5000).

You can also check if the PHP setting "open_basedir" is disabled (value: "NULL" or "no value"). If the setting is enabled, then this can lead to significantly longer runtimes. The value of the PHP setting is in the backend under "Settings" > "System Info" > "PHP Info" > "Core" > "open_basedir".

Backend reloads

If the backend reloads and the StageWare® Manager closes while you are creating a test environment, make sure nobody else is using the same login data. Backend user accounts are not multi-login enabled, so if you use them at the same time, you log each other out.

Try to create the test environment again. If the problem occurs again, please check your server’s the PHP error log to see if a corresponding error message is logged. Your hosting provider or technical service provider can show you how to activate and review the PHP error log.